Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Planning Permission Refused for Crobally Development

We're delighted to bring you the great news that the proposed development at Crobally Upper has been turned down by An Bord Pleanala. In other words, the planning permission has been refused.

There may be appeals in the future, but for now, the trees and wildlife at this site are safe. We'll keep an eye on the situation and tell you if there are appeals or other further developments.

Here's a copy of the reasons given for the refusal of planning permission. They don't relate to the trees, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hawthorns Need To Be Preserved

Words and Pictures - Norman Graham

These pictures show the hawthorn berries in the area behind the GAA pitch in Tramore. This is the proposed for the development. Hawthorns are the red berries (in the picture). The black berries are elderberries.

Both of these are an important source of food and wild birds, and are becoming increasingly rare, due mainly to the destruction of such ancient hedgerows.

In the background are trees such as Scots Pine and Monterey Pine. These are very scarce trees in the areas around Tramore.

Contrary to a previous survey, all these trees are sound, so there is no evidence of decay. It is worth remembering, however, that even a dead fallen tree is a vital line in the endangered wildlife chain, as it provides a home for millions of insects, and consequently, food for birds, mice, rats, hedgehogs and bats.

Decaying wood is also a vital platform for the growth of many fungi, which are also food and very important carbon sinks. Finally, it is worth mentioning that our local Green Party Councillor has refused to be of any help whatsoever in this campaign.